"Most performers know what they want but don’t know which action to take to get there. That is why correct voice coaching is so important"
Helene’s technical knowledge and intuitive ways is a powerhouse that must be tapped in to. Her enthusiasm, fun and down to earth vibes makes the core technical foundation work a breeze and delight. Many artists come to Helene with typical voice problems such as loss of range, flexibility, power, tone and hence confidence. Specialising in the use of her Classical Opera Technique to build and place the voice correctly she makes sure those methods are clearly translated so they become fully relatable in the modern music industry world.
Helene’s mission is to maximise the artist with a full understanding of their instrument so they reach full freedom of the voice.
Helene believes in a 360 degree technique that overcomes all obstacles. She has a powerful intuition that allows her to also understand the psychology of the singer and recognise the inner mental blocks which must also be worked on and corrected if the artist is to be fully fortified.
"Singing and performing is like being an athlete. It’s muscle work, correct placement and a repeated strengthening of that combined with a healthy self empowering mindset.” “a multi dimensional strategy where all components must work together for a kick ass success performance!”
Book Helene for your artist by mail: or phone: +45 41 39 67 60
Your voice
Improve all areas of the voice and become the singer you want to be.
Your success
No more fatigue , nodules
and cancelled tours.
Your mind
Master your mindset and breakthrough mental blocks, stage fright and nerves.